Enduristan Sandstorm 4E tankbag - The successsor t...
Enduristan Sandstorm 4E tankbag - The successsor to the legendary Sandstorm 2. Outfitted with everything you need to survive the harsh conditions of Enduristan. Fully Waterproof!
Enduristan Sandstorm 4H tanktas - Perfect midsize tankbag. With 7 liter capacity, its not to big and not to small. Perfect fit on nearly every motorycle and like any other product from Enduristan; Fully waterproof! BEST BANG FOR YOUR BUCK
The Tank Bag is designed to be operated with one h...
The Tank Bag is designed to be operated with one hand and thick gloves. It is also waterproof without additional covers. For the closures, only the top products from Fidloch and Duraflex were used. Askja 6 fits most medium and large touring enduros.